Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Effects of Recent Solar Flares

Many people are feeling agitated and un-easy recently. The solar flares can break apart old patterns of thought that are no longer needed so new ones can emerge. This can make us feel hyper and exhausted all at the same time. It can also wreak havoc with technology such as computers.

We began noticing many new symptoms. Time and space appear to on a wobble even more erratically than before. We seem to be losing track of time easily. We lose words when we are speaking.The day simply disappears. We are not sleeping very well . . . again. There is lots of tossing and turning in the night and many are having unusual dreams. We are feeling huge power surges in the body followed by energy drops. There were many reports of nausea, and body aches and pains and dizziness. Many feel deep grief. Some feel like they were walking on water (ungrounded). Others said that when they closed their eyes at night, everything is spinning. There have been visual disturbances, inner ear issues, ringing in ears, throat and thyroid issues, cold feet and even a weird symptom of having tongue dryness. Are you experiencing any of this? This isn't anything to be afraid of ... just be aware of what it is and get extra rest and drink lots of water. This too shall pass.

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